Gradescope Essentials
February 5, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Gradescope is a tool used to administer and grade online or digitized paper-based homework, quizzes, and exams with open-ended or multiple-choice questions, including bubble sheets. The grading is collaborative, as many co-instructors can grade the same assessment in real time together with an adaptable rubric. To reduce grading bias, the program enables blind-grading for all responses to one question at a time, as well as the ability to give efficient, detailed feedback on each question. Some features are AI assisted, making the grading efficient for multiple choice and some types of open-ended questions. Gradescope enrollment can sync with your Sakai and Canvas course enrollment and gradebook.
Come learn about the course grading tool enjoyed by faculty and students alike. In this hour-long session you will learn how Gradescope can be useful to your course, how to set up a Gradescope account, link your course and enrollment, and learn the basic things you can do in Gradescope using sample courses.