IRB Security Review and Training

OASIS support guidelines

OASIS will support to the best of its ability issues concerning the data security of your IRB research for which an OASIS support person is listed as a technical contact. This means being available to answer questions in a timely manner, and escalating to appropriate campus entities when necessary in accordance with IRB and Minimum Security Standard (MSS) guidelines.

OASIS will make no requests of you or your data that would put you in violation of data security standards for your IRB-approved research.

Researchers’ responsibilities

  • Complete OASIS IRB Training every 3 years while conducting open or ongoing IRB research for which an OASIS support person is a listed technical contact.
  • Report data security concerns with your research or questions about this training to your OASIS support person as they arise.
  • Adhere to the data security guidelines outlined here and by your OASIS support person.
  • Only use technology and data practices with human subjects data that have been approved of within the IRB.

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